Volunteer Committees
The Storm Family
We appreciate any and all volunteers. If you have questions about how you can get involved or have suggestions, please feel free to email us at: clevelandstormfootball@gmail.com

Home game concessions.
Purchasing /Stocking
Pre Game Cooking
As a parent, sign up to assist when your son is not playing, Varsity parents help with JV or C-Team; C-Team and JV Parents help with Varsity.
Sign up with Sign Up Genius to help in Concessions
Sign Up Genius
*You must also be registered as a volunteer with RRPS

Varsity Game Day, get the team and fans ready.​
Banner Setup / Takedown
Game Day Effects (Smoke/Sound)
Setup for the team to hit the field, get the crowd going. GO STORM!!

The Boosters provide for the team.
A few of the items your fundraising helps with....
Game Day Excitement
Team Dinners
Away Bags
Apparel for the Team
Team Banquet
Do you have an idea for fundraising? Work with or lead a team of other volunteers to help setup, and collect from fundraising efforts.
We need several volunteers for our larger fundraising efforts such as the annual Golf Tournament, Banner Sales, and Peeler Cards
10th-12th Team Dinners
Dinner is provided for the day before the Varsity home game.
Boosters work to have catering donated or deeply discounted.
Do you know of someone in the food industry that can help? Can you help setup, cleanup?